Fall Brawl – LIX

Welcome to Villa Frumentaria’s Fall Brawl! This event is hosted by Villa Frumentaria and sponsored by the Shire of Heraldshill!

Update: May 12th, 2024
Added in some ministers, rearranged a few things, and clarified a few other things. More information is coming!

Friday, October 11 – Gate Opens at 5pm, Closes at 9pm
Saturday, October 12 – Gate Opens at 9am, Closes at 2pm
Sunday, October 13 – Site closes at Noon

We will once-again be using the Palo Alto County Fair Grounds located in Emmetsburg, Iowa
It’s located at 2101 Madison Street, Emmetsburg, Iowa 50536

The site is wet but we cannot sell alcohol on premises. At this time, above-ground Fires are permitted. There are showers on site as well as hard structure bathrooms. We are planning on bringing in some additional bathrooms for the camping area.

Adults Ages 18+: $25 ($15 for SCA Members)
Youths Ages 6-17: $10
Young Ones Ages 5 and under : Free
Online Preregistration: Not yet available

We are encouraging people to camp on-site! There is no additional charge for your campsite. The site *may* have RV hook-ups for an additional charge in the fall (it was on their list of improvements to make last year/this year) but as of yet, they are not there and we do not know an additional cost if they are added. We’ll keep you posted!

The site opens at 5pm on Friday and you are welcome to come in and get directed to your campsite at that time.

Campers beware! We know the weather in the midwest can get a little dicey this time of year. As we get closer to the event, we’ll have a better guess as to what will happen, but our advice for now is to plan on the weather being someplace between freezing and boiling, with possible thunder storms or ice or both.

Local Hotels and Amenities
Some of you might not want to camp; we get that. There are a plethora of hotels in the Emmetsburg area, as well as food and bar choices and if you choose to stay in Spencer or Esterville (Both approximately 20 minutes away) there are an abundance of hotels, food options, bars, and a really awesome brewery available!


This is a brawl! We’re hosting events that are fighting and fighting-adjacent! Because this site is so great, we’re planning on the fighting being outside, but we also have access to an area that can host inside fighting, so we have you covered no matter what!

Friday Night Pre-revel
Friday Night, we’re having a party! Thanks for coming out! Just low-key bonfires, camp fires, games and having fun! We are not planning an Inn Friday Night, but we should have campfire cooking!

Breakfast at the Inn: We are planning on having Breakfast at the Inn from 8 until 9 with coffee, fruit, and a full menu to follow. You should also be able to cook at your campsite if you choose!

Youth Activities:
On Saturday, we have a slate of activites planned that will keep the younger attendees entertained. We’re planning on doing some awesome heraldry activities, we have some scavenger hunts planned, and we have a few other things up our sleeves! More Details will follow!

Minister of Youth: Kasiniia Bjornardottir

Arts and Science:
We will have a handful of classes that will revolve around supporting your group’s fighters!

We’re going to have an Inn, we don’t have a menu just yet, but we will update that just as soon as we can as we may have a special guest group running Inn for us. Inn will be from 11 to 2 to allow our fighters the chance to eat

Steel Fighting:
We’ll have a fun warm up tournament and then a full 1v1 Tournament Starting at 10am and going until 1pm for Total time. Pick up fights will be available, and we are hoping to allow you to authorize as well! it’s still too early to tell, but we’re definitely going to have fun! We’re going to be dousing it in Villa Frumentaria flair, too, so come prepared for an EXPERIENCE for both fighters and non-fighters. The rules will be Calontir Cut and Thrust, and we’re expecting a number of fighters from Northshield to come down!

Heavy Fighting:
Heavy fighting will start at 2 and go until 5pm. We’ll do a fun event for a warm up and then move on to a Tournament in the afternoon! Pick up fights will be available and we are hoping to let you Authorize for Heavy, too! Expect a smashing of our Villa Frumentaria presentation, and be prepared to fight with our cousins from Northshield! Be prepared for an amazing fighting experience on and off the list field!

Chili Cooking Contest
It’s fall, it’s Northwest Iowa. That means Chili and Cornbread and Cinnamon roll season! We’re hosting a contest for Chili Cooking! It’ll be judged by a panel of judges (as well as your peers) and we realize there’s a lot of different ways to make Chili, so here’s the categories we’re looking at:

Chili with Meat and Beans
Chili with Meat and no Beans
Vegetarian Chili
Spicy Chili with Meat
Spicy Chili without Meat

Chefs, please remember to bring a list of ingredients that we can display next to your work so people can be informed about food allergies…and possibly recipes later if you’re so inclined! You will need to bring your own cooking supplies including your own roasting pan or hot pad but you’ll be in the 4-H building which has power and refrigerators. The judging will start at 5:15 so plan accordingly!

Award Supper
We are not at this time planning on a Court, though that is always at the privilege of Their Royal Majesties or Highnesses. We will, however, plan Supper around 6pm and Villa Frumentaria will be presenting some awards for activities through the day as you eat! We’re planning this to start around 5:30 and the menu will consist of Chili from the contest! We’ll also make sure there’s plenty of Cornbread and Cinnamon Rolls to go around! Supper will be served in the 4-H building.

After the Supper has been cleared, we will be hitting Post Revel. And we plan on partying until we can’t. We’ll update more here as soon as we know if there’s going to be a full-on Bardic Circle or if there’s going to be an on-site Donation Bar and additional details are filled in. We have some outstanding ideas, but we don’t want to give too much away…or get your hopes up and have something fall through!

Sunday Morning
We are not planning on serving breakfast on Sunday Morning. You are welcome to stay as long as you want, so long as we have the site cleaned up and closed down by noon!

Please ask! We’ll get those answered ASAP and make changes to this website if necessary. THIS is the place to go for information.

Event Staff
Revel Master – Torquil MacGruder
Minister of Youth – Kasiniia Bjornardottir
Event Hospitaler – Mari Ferch Rathyen
Minister of Arts and Science – Mabilia Pals

Event Steward
Ronan le Sauvage (MKA Kevin Rohan)
kevin.rohan@gmail.com (best way to communicate)
7122605773 (text only, please, Kevin never answers his phone)

Kevin can also be reached on Facebook. He’s the one with his device as his profile picture. (Argent Griffon on Sable with 3 Argul Dragonflies on an argent embattled Chief)