We’d like to let you know that the Chronicler’s Page has been added and updated to include all of our meeting notes from the past few meetings, including our latest Newsletter (with another one coming out in March!)
We’ve added our October Event, Fall Brawl LIX, to our Events Page and we’re super excited about everything we’re going to have going on with that event! If you’re not doing anything October 11th – 13th, but especially on October 12th, we’d love to see you in our corner of the Kingdom! We’re hoping to get a preregistration page up and going soon!
As always, if you want the latest and greatest news, if you want to interact with us over the internet, or if you just want to hang out (digitally) with your fellow Villa Frumentarii, one of the best places to do that is on Villa Frumentaria’s Official Facebook Page!
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